The Mental Health Epidemic
Hello to you! Thanks for stopping by.
I haven’t shared much online for several months, but all is well. I enjoyed a busy holiday season and still continue to work diligently behind the scenes on my mediumship and spiritual journey. I’ve decided to release the fear and share more of my spiritual experiences, wisdom, and soul mission in hopes it may bring you peace, healing, and maybe a laugh or two.
My most recent endeavor has been channeling wisdom from my brother Garrett who passed away nearly four years ago. For a long time, it was too painful for me to regularly engage with him in Spirit, but I’ve found through loving acceptance I desired taking my mediumship gifts to the next level. To hit the ‘next level’, I had to address my biggest pain point, which was Garrett.
Recently Garrett shared with me his ‘job’ now in Spirit is to prevent others from choosing to die by suicide. Today when I spoke with him and asked how he was doing, he showed me himself kicking back relaxing on a pool floaty with a fruity beach umbrella drink. I looked at him and rolled my eyes and laughed.
When I asked what he wanted to share with me today, he told me to relax and said
“You haven’t done anything with the last bit.” I said, Excuse me? What do you suggest I do with it?
He said, “Share the information on your website”.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.
A Channeled Message From Garrett Erk 1/24/2023
Mental Health is an epidemic.
Many people are suffering silently, are ashamed, and feeling alone. They’re embarrassed because they’re taught via their programming this is something to keep to themselves out of fear. This epidemic was man created. Many people profit off others suffering and too many lives have been lost from the lack of love.
There are many ways to address this.
Biologically Treat Inflammation
Repattern thoughts in the mind
Find purpose and spark/passion-Reason to live
Community and Connection
Faith/Belief in ‘something’ if not religion. Such as Nature/Oneness or Mediumship
Let’s Start Here:
An imbalance within starts with stress and inflammation. Collectively the belief and pressure to do more, perform better, always be on the go. We are asked to have a plan for our future and follow it. There is also the belief that there is no room for errors, which makes some not want to try.
Our mental programming was well meaning, but intense and beliefs passed down through a long line of family lineage. The programming stems from fear, insecurity, and not feeling enough. Over time we each begin to believe the ‘lies’ of programming as our own’ truth’.
Individuals who experience trauma, such as sexual abuse, if not witnessed, and actively addressed, the trauma and programming is passed onto others (consciously or not). Their pain as a victim is taken out on other humans. We now as a society have interwoven sexual abuse into our culture to normalize it. Call it what ever you want, but the agenda will further distort the psyches of children and young adults.
The children who are victims of sexual assault, believe it was there fault they were abused. Not knowing or understanding how to talk about their experience causes deep feelings of loneliness and separation. When we add our personal childhood traumas (like sexual abuse) to the inherited traumas of family and systemic [corrupt] belief systems, it results in deep feelings of unworthiness, shame, and disgust which leads to having no confidence and low self-esteem. This is especially true for those who are taught not to share their experiences and sweep ‘things’ [emotions] under the rug. When I spoke my truth, I was not heard or people didn’t believe me and this caused further cognitive dissonance.
The ‘false’ beliefs that are formed from family lineage, societal belief systems, and traumatic experiences need to be individually addressed and more tools and resources are needed to help with this epidemic. Religion, for example using fear to brainwash and control. “Repatterning” young minds causing further separation from self, forming cracks in the soul.
You can start by sharing: Hypnosis, EMDR, & EFT.
Drugs are not the solution to the mental health crisis. Many who are in charge of the medical system are very disconnected from their energetic center and as a result, indoctrination is given as solutions. Stimulants, anxiety, and depression medications may numb pain temporarily, but to address the issue, one must always go within.
If the system is profit based (feel like “a number” and not a human being), the energetics are not aligned with wellness. Slowing down and forming a loving connection with yourself is required for healing and transformation.
The feeling of security is also necessary. One cannot heal their body when their nervous system is constantly in survival mode (fight or flight). This alone causes so many imbalances and inflammation.
The goal is to be in homeostasis.
Drink clean water- filter out RX and chemicals. This alone is messing with hormones and minds.
Nutrition- start with whole foods and eliminate all artificial crap. Ingredients need to be earth based. If it’s not from the Earth, avoid it.
Sleep is a priority for healing.
To infinity and beyond, G.
I thank Garrett for this information and share with you in hopes it assists you along your journey.
May we all come to know ourselves as our healthiest expression of love.
And so it is.